The donheads

In an Outstanding Area of Natural Beauty, Donhead St Andrew and its neighbour Donhead St Mary (also referred to as ‘The Donheads’) are nestled into a corner of south-west Wiltshire, privately, discreetly as if time forgot. Once part of a single Donhead estate, the village prides itself on its peaceful location, with Shaftesbury, 4 miles to its west, Salisbury13 miles, north-east.

Wardour Castle

Messums Wiltshire

Tennis @ Pythouse Tennis Club £

Larmer Tree Gardens

Stourhead Gardens

Chalke Valley History Festival

Gold Hill, Shaftesbury

Salisbury Cathedral


So much to do, come and relax, spend a few days enjoying all that this area has to offer. This is just a few things happening locally, there are many more. Wonderful walks, cycling, horse racing at Wincanton & Salisbury, shopping and culture at Bath and so it goes on…